About Us

Mary & CindyHunter-Gatherers Looking for Resources

We are moms of young adults with special needs.  We want to help them have lives that are as meaningful as possible.

In that sense, we are hunter/gatherer moms.  We go out and try to find resources and solutions that we can bring home for the family.  One day we would like to have a field of resources growing in the back yard, but we’re not there yet.

We came to believe that channel of communication such as this one would be of great help to us.  Since there wasn’t one, we decided to create it.

Our special interest is Lake County, McHenry County and Kenosha County in Wisconsin because these places are geographically accessible to us.  While news from other states and cities may be of interest, it is often out of our reach.  Our community is here.

We hope to connect with providers, managers and others involved in crafting solutions that promote rich lives despite disabilities.  We recognize that in these times of fiscal austerity we all need to pull together, even if it difficult to do so.   Communications are the start.

This site aims to bridge information needs  for those from birth to old age.   This includes those in school, out of school, adult-onset of disability and war-related injuries.  Regardless of our particulars, we often share the same or similar resources and need the same information.

Please let us know what you are doing in the community that may be of interest to others.  We seek your press releases and announcements.  We will attend as many events as feasible to better report the news in a professional, timely way.

Thanks for joining us….let us know what you think!

Mary Curran Rhodes, Publisher
Cynthia Kavanaugh, Associate Publisher



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