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PUNS Selection — IAMC Followup Call

Last week 25 people attended the conference call sponsored by the Illinois Association of Microboards and Cooperatives (IAMC).  The call concerned the next steps for those who received notification that they now qualified for services from the State of Illinois following the recent PUNS List selection. According to Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU), 330 people from their service area had their names drawn.  This includes Lake County. Note:  The CAU  website is currently under construction and an indirect reference has been used above.

IAMC has scheduled a  follow-up conference call  for MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2012 from 11:30am – 12:30pm.  The number for the call is (218) 237-3840, passcode 366307#.  This call is a direct follow-on to the previous call.

This call will feature the Ligas Court Monitor, Mr. Tony Records as a principal facilitator.  As the Court Monitor, he is leading efforts to address the unmet needs of the developmentally delayed population in Illinois.  There are few, if any, people better qualified to answer questions regarding these PUNS list selections.  Nemo strongly urges those who had their names selected to attend this conference call.

IAMC organizers have requested that attendees submit questions in advance if possible so that Tony can be prepared, and time be effectively used.

For more information contact Vicki Niswander, Executive Director, IAMC, 217-586-4552.

Readers are referred to last week’s article:

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PUNS Selection — IAMC Members Discuss

Recently another 1500 names were selected by lottery from the PUNS list (Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services).  This is a list of children, teens, and adults with developmental disabilities who need services or supports from the State of Illinois.  The list is used for planning, budgeting and delivering services to those in need.  The current waiting list for services tops 20,000 individuals.

Accordingly, getting a PUNS services notification letter is a big deal for families in need that have waited a long time.  Nemo is aware of several families who were recently selected and now wonder what it means to them.

There will be a telephone conference TONIGHT (Wednesday, November 7, 2012) at 7pm (CST) for those whose name was selected and wish to discuss options going forward.  The discussion will be facilitated by staff from the Illinois Association of Microboards and Cooperatives (IAMC) .   While the IAMC is not a PUNS agency, they are usually very well-informed.  Nemo would attend if not for a previous engagement.

For more information contact Vicki Niswander, Executive Director, IAMC, 217-586-4552.  Those who wish to attend can call in at  605-477-3000, passcode 501904.  The web link is

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377 Board Initiative in McHenry Moves Forward

Supporters of the initiative to create a 377 Board in McHenry County are moving forward to get the item placed on a ballot in March 2013.  On November 2 they will present their case to the Health and Human Services (HHS) committee of the County Board.  The HHS is expected to advise the Board on placement of the  initiative on the ballot.  The County Board is expected to act on November 20.

Supporters met on October 17 to discuss their next steps and timeline.  Included steps were the outreach to the Boards of Directors of county agencies and creation of a steering committee.   In addition the need to educate voters about needs in the developmentally disabled community of McHenry County was explored.  The group wishes to contact churches, civic groups and others that may want more information.

Current statistics show that there are 5,236 individuals in McHenry County who are developmentally disabled.  The majority are not being served.  Over the next 5 years, 1300 of these individuals are expected to have urgent needs as caregivers pass on and other circumstances change.   These needs are not being met by state programs.

For more information contact Cindy Sullivan, Options and Advocacy,, 815-477-4700.

 Click here for a link to the previous NemoNews article.


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377 Board Initiative in McHenry County

About 25 people  attended a Developmental Disability Task Force meeting on September 19 at the Shah Center in McHenry.   They learned about  a county-wide initiative to create a 377 Board to support the unmet needs of the estimated 5200 individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.   This initiative would involve a referendum on the Spring 2013 ballot in McHenry County.

Organizers pointed out that less than one fifth of developmentally disabled individuals currently receive services.   Long-term unmet needs include housing, transportation, life skills supervision, and other services.    Housing is of particular concern, mirroring the state shortage of disabled housing.  Currently, many individuals with developmental disabilities must move away from family and social supports in order to find housing at all.  With the aging of parents, their need for assistance is expected to grow.

Concerned individuals are now contacting members of the McHenry County Board to ask them to approve placement of a referendum on the Spring 2013 Ballot.   The deadline to obtain approval for ballot placement is October 16, 2012.

McHenry is not the first county in Illinois to pursue this kind of board.  Champaign County,  Illinois  has a 377 Board that has operated for several years.  The Board Members are listed here.

For more information on the McHenry initiative contact Options and Advocacy, 815-477-4720.

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Ligas Overview at McHenry College May 3

The recent The Ligas Consent Decree is having a large effect on housing for adult individuals with developmental disabilities.  The Decree extends not only to those who live in a private ICD/FF, but also to those living in their family home and seeking services.  Mr. Tony Records is the Court Monitor for implementing the decree.  He will speak on Thursday, May 3, at 7pm at McHenry County College, Room B-166-167.

The meeting is hosted by the Self Advocacy Council of Northern Illinois.  From the flyer:

The disability system in Illinois is changing and knowing about these new changes in service planning will offer individuals more opportunities for community inclusion and
new community living opportunities!


For more information about the program,  contact Cathy Christensen, Self Advocacy Council of Northern Illinois, 815-382-1530,

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Keven Casey Speaks at Work Group — November 17, 2011

Less than three months after becoming Director of the Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities, Kevin Casey spoke to a standing-room-only audience at the North/Northwest Cook and Lake County Work Group meeting on November 17, 2011.  He shared his impressions and thoughts on the many challenges facing Illinois at this time.

Regarding the impact of state budget shortfalls on programs for the disabled,  he indicated that he would act pro-actively and sought to enlist support from families, advocates, providers, officials and the governor.   As he learned more about the structure of Illinois services he would be looking for ways to involve more stakeholders.   He expected to hear from self-advocates at least once a month.

Regarding the Ligas mandate to help institutionalized individuals move into the community, he expressed concern about how the timelines for change were interacting with the financial constraints.   There was a lengthy Q&A session involving concerns from parents, advocates, providers and others.

Prior to assuming this position, Mr. Casey held a similar position in Pennsylvania.  He mentioned the need for a one-stop shop for parents, and noted that he had instituted a family training program and a book “Working Your Way Through the Maze in Pennsylvania”.

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Creating Options Town Hall Meeting — November 9, 2011

The Mayer Kaplan JCC auditorium was packed for a Town Hall Meeting titled “Creating Housing and Full-Life Options for Adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities.”    The meeting was convened by a task force concerned with the unmet needs for housing and community services in the area.   The Task Force principally consists of representatives of the Jewish Federation, Jewish Child & Family Services and Keshet.  In addition to launching a pilot project, they hope to develop a model for other communities to adopt and replicate.

Cathy Ficker-Terrill, CEO of the Institute on Public Policy discussed “How to Get from Here to There?”, a summary of current status, trends and opportunities.  Then she emceed a lengthy question and answer session with the audience.  Members were asked to answer three questions:  1)  What is your dream for the future for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities regarding a sustainable model that would allow them to live withing the community? 2)  What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in creating a sustainable model for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities who wish to live within the community? and 3)  How can you help?

Following the lively discussion, attendees were invited to participate in committees studying services, funding, communications, development, and outreach.

For more information email

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Annual Meeting — Lake County Center for Independent Living

Lake County Center for Independent Living

About 100 individuals with disabilities, service providers, legislators, families and volunteers attended the annual meeting of the Lake County Center for Independent lLiving on November 30, 2011. Program highlights included success in helping 10 individuals move from institutions into the community, offering vocational training to over 90 workers, continued efforts to coordinate and integrate transportation services in Lake County.

The LCCIL also invited attendees to attend the social and support groups for the blind, deaf. They also host a cross-disability support group called Words of Wisdom (WOW).  Those in attendance were invited to become members of the organization.  They announced details on their 2012 Legislative Internship program.

Charlie Pugesef was honored as the volunteer of the year. Following the program, attendees partook of a buffet.

The Lake County Center for Independent Living is part of a state-wide network that promotes independent living through advocacy, mentoring education,and referral. For more invormation visit

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SEDOL Social Work Field Trips — Life after 22

Special Education students “age out” of the public education system when they turn 22 years of age.  After that time, these individuals and their families are required to manage the services they need without help from the school district.  Issues to be addressed in adulthood include housing, employment, health, social life, quality of life and more.

To help parents prepare for this role, the Social Work department of SEDOL has set up a series of field trips for parents to visit the workshops, living facilities, day programs, and camps they may find of interest.  Field Trips include:

  • February 15        Riverside Foundation           Day and Residential Programs
  • March 7               SRACLC                              Day and Recreation Programs
  • March 15             Clearbrook                          Vocational Program
  • Apr 13                 Center for Enriched Living   Day Program
  • Apr 27                 Shepherds College              Post Secondary Training
  • May 2                  Glenkirk Morain CLF            Semi-Indepependent Residential
For more information or to register for a Field Trip, Contact
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