The Nemo News visited the Extreme Recess held at Twin Lakes, WI late in the day on Monday, July 30. We were impressed with the operation. Now that we have a better idea of what to expect, we will try to attend the event next year. As we entered, we noticed that a bus from Shriner’s Children’s Hospital was leaving. I have attached several pictures for your review.
Sponsored by Dreams for Kids, the aquatic event had a lot of great features. First there was a lovely sheltered beach for simple water play in the lake. Second, there was shade for those of us who don’t like the sun or sunburns. Third, there were bouncy houses (one with water) for the kids who wanted to play. Next, there was a food table (we missed lunch), and snow cones and cotton candy. Moreover there was a real bathroom open for use. They thought of everything!
Yet the water-skiing events gathered most of our attention for several reasons. Initially, we had to get over the challenging idea that our kids could water ski at all. Wasn’t that dangerous? Wasn’t it scary? So I got in a little closer. There were two brawny men standing in the water by the dock loading up the kids on specialized skiiing devices. Volunteers on the dock had a full array of skis for individuals of every size and ability, from tubes to hammock types, one bladers and three-bladers. We had never thought of this kind of adaptive equipment. Our child was offered a volunteer peer buddy to help overcome fear.
After hooking up the child/children, a jet ski came to the side, somewhat behind the boat and they took off. The jet ski riders were responsible for monitoring the safety of the child in the water. All together, they seemed to take some longish rides quite safely. It was simply magnificent to behold the exhilaration of the riders who finished a ride.
As i left, I talked to event organizers. They said they had to scale down the event from two days to one day because of a lack of sponsors to cover costs. They indicated that the insurance costs alone were daunting. Hopefully, next year they will have the resources they need to conduct the full-scale event they planned. They were well organized, friendly, and provided our kids (and their folks) with a unique, fun, challenging and safe experience.
For more information contact: David Bromley at or call 1-312-729-5404 and ask for Shelly.