Transportation Options Program at LCCIL

The Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL)  is hosting a presentation on transportation options for those with disabilities at 1pm on Thursday, October 11, 2012.   Their address is 377 N. Seymour Avenue in Mundelein.

A representative  from the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) will provide an overview of accessible programs offered on CTA and PACE buses as well as use of the Metra Rail System.  Trip planning and safety tips will be covered.  Time for discussion will be provided.

The presentation will describe special programs such as the Reduced Fare Circuit Ride Free and Paratransit ServicesDial-a-Ride will also be discussed.   The program is targeting those with disabilities, seniors and those who support them.

The meeting has been organized by the RTA, LCCIL, and the Lake County Coordinated Transportation Services Committee (LCCTSC).  The LCCTYSC consists of representatives from the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda.

For more information contact Allison at 847-949-4440,


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Directions Fair Tonight – D114


Tonight’s  Directions Fair  focuses on post-secondary options for students with special needs.  There will be a Fair in the field house and breakout sessions.  The Directions Fair is from 6:00pm until 8:30pm at Forest View Educational Center, 2121 South Goebbert Rd in Arlington Heights.

The Fair will run continuously with exhibitors from 25+ programs for special needs students.  These programs represent a variety of approaches to post-secondary education and reach for different kinds of students.   Programs  include Life Skills Training, Career Training, Community Colleges and Universities.  A list of exhibitors is here.

Breakout sessions will take place concurrently with the Fair.  The breakout sessions correspond to the four kinds of programs listed above.   Details are shown on the flyer. 

The event is sponsored by the Northwest Council for Educational Success.  For more information contact Lyndsay Janura,, 847-842-3498.   The URL for the event is

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377 Board Initiative in McHenry County

About 25 people  attended a Developmental Disability Task Force meeting on September 19 at the Shah Center in McHenry.   They learned about  a county-wide initiative to create a 377 Board to support the unmet needs of the estimated 5200 individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.   This initiative would involve a referendum on the Spring 2013 ballot in McHenry County.

Organizers pointed out that less than one fifth of developmentally disabled individuals currently receive services.   Long-term unmet needs include housing, transportation, life skills supervision, and other services.    Housing is of particular concern, mirroring the state shortage of disabled housing.  Currently, many individuals with developmental disabilities must move away from family and social supports in order to find housing at all.  With the aging of parents, their need for assistance is expected to grow.

Concerned individuals are now contacting members of the McHenry County Board to ask them to approve placement of a referendum on the Spring 2013 Ballot.   The deadline to obtain approval for ballot placement is October 16, 2012.

McHenry is not the first county in Illinois to pursue this kind of board.  Champaign County,  Illinois  has a 377 Board that has operated for several years.  The Board Members are listed here.

For more information on the McHenry initiative contact Options and Advocacy, 815-477-4720.

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2012 Voting — Does the Disabled Vote Count?

Senator Robert Dole and Representative Tony Coehlo published an op-ed piece in Politico about the untapped political power of those with disabilities.   They reason that since 19% of the American population has a disability, every politician should pay heed.  And every voter should claim their right to vote.  They support the upcoming National Forum on Disabliity Issues.     ( Described in Nemo’s post yesterday.)   They acknowledge the difficulty of establishing one coherent voice within the community.   Read the Politico  article  here. 

TheNemoNews reasons that  everyone in Lake County, disabled or not, should register to vote and participate in elections.  It is our right, and gives form to our voice. When those concerned with disabilities do not vote, they surrender their voice in matters that directly affect them with respect to housing, transportation, employment, education, health care, opportunity and more.   It is the right of a disabled individual to request an absentee ballot or  the assistance of another person in the voting booth.  A request for assistance will be made to the precinct judge at the polling place.

In order to register to vote, a citizen 18 years of age or older (by election day) should bring two pieces of identification to an official voter registration facility.  Click here for the Lake County pamphlet on Official Voter Registration Facilities.    The Illinois State Board of Elections website has similar information.

The last day to register to vote is October 9, 2012. 

The Lake County Clerk’s website has a great deal of information for residents.   Start the process  by finding out if you are a registered voter for this election.  By giving them your name and address, you will be able to see your personalized information.

From this page, there are boxes  that allow you to

  • Obtain a sample ballot — Select box labelled  “What is On My Ballot”
  • Obtain a list of your elected officials.
  • Request an absentee ballot online.  To request a ballot by phone call the office at 847-377-2406.

Early voting *in person* begins October 22 and ending on Saturday, November 3.

If you are not registered, have moved or changed your name, please contact the Voter Registration Department at
(847) 377-2410 for registration information before the close of registration on October 9, 2012.

Readers with more information on voting are encouraged to post in the comments section of this post.


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National Forum on Disability Issues Viewing at LCCIL

The Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL) is hosting a live viewing of the second-ever National Forum on Disability Issues on Friday September 28,2012 at 11:30am.   The public is invited to attend.  The event is free but a pre-registration is encouraged.  (Attendees are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch.)    The LCCIL is located at 377 N. Seymour Avenue in Mundelein.

The Forum is a non-partisan event originating in Columbus, OH.  Ohio candidates have been invited to attend, as well as Presidential Candidates.  More information can be found at their website:   The first National Forum on Disabilities took place in 2008.

Attendees can register to vote at the viewing.

To register, or obtain more information, please contact or at 847-949-4440

Readers who are aware of other viewing venues are asked to post information in the Comments section  below.

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Young Life Capernaum – Libertyville Starts September 28

Young Life Capernaum will hold its first meeting on Friday September 28, 2012 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.  The meeting will be held at the Libertyville United Methodist Church.  Themed “Rockstar Club” night, there will be games and activities for teens and young adults with and without disabilities.  The group plans to meet there on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from now until December.

Parents and guardians are also invited to attend a coffee during this meeting.  Cam Traut, the school nurse at Libertyville High School will lead the parent meeting, and explain the program.   She is also Chair of this Christian initiative in Lake County.

Young Life Capernaum began during the 1980′s in California and has grown nationwide since then.  Their website is  A video describing the program can be found at

The purpose of the local group is:

YoungLife Capernaum exists for the special needs population to have leaders in the lives of all the teens and young adults in Lake County who have special needs (no matter how extreme) to show them Jesus’ love as well and to offer them meaningful relationships that surpass the limits of high school (or a specialized school) and also to offer fun events where they can feel safe, confident, enjoy their friends, and be themselves.


For more information about the program contact Tasha Taylor at 847-735-9595.

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Extreme Recess: A Review

The Nemo News visited the Extreme Recess held at Twin Lakes, WI late in the day on Monday, July 30.  We were impressed with the operation.  Now that we have a better idea of what to expect, we will try to attend the event next year.    As we entered, we noticed that a bus from Shriner’s Children’s Hospital was leaving.   I have attached several pictures for your review.

Sponsored by Dreams for Kids, the aquatic event had a lot of great features.  First there was a lovely sheltered beach for simple water play in the lake.  Second, there was shade for those of us who don’t like the sun or sunburns.  Third, there were bouncy houses (one with water) for the kids who wanted to play.  Next, there was a food table (we missed lunch), and snow cones and cotton candy.  Moreover there was a real bathroom open for use.  They thought of everything!

Yet the water-skiing events gathered most of our attention for several reasons.  Initially, we had to get over the challenging idea that our kids could water ski at all.  Wasn’t that dangerous?  Wasn’t it scary?  So I got in a little closer.  There were two brawny men standing in the water by the dock loading up the kids on specialized skiiing devices.   Volunteers on the dock  had a full array of skis for individuals of every size and ability, from tubes to hammock types, one bladers and three-bladers.   We had never thought of this kind of adaptive equipment.   Our child was offered a volunteer peer buddy to help overcome fear.

After hooking up the child/children, a jet ski came to the side, somewhat behind the boat and they took off.  The jet ski riders were responsible for monitoring the safety of the child in the water.  All together,  they seemed to take some longish rides quite safely.    It was simply magnificent to behold the exhilaration of the riders who finished a ride.

As i left, I talked to event organizers.  They said they had to scale down the event from two days to one day because of a lack of sponsors to cover costs.  They indicated that the insurance costs alone were daunting.  Hopefully, next year they will have the resources they need to conduct the full-scale event they planned.  They were well organized, friendly, and provided our kids (and their folks) with a unique, fun, challenging and safe experience.

For more information contact: David Bromley at or call 1-312-729-5404 and ask for Shelly.

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Rally for Autism 5K on August 11

The 10th Annual Lake County Rally for Autism is scheduled for August 11, 2011.  It will be held at Independence Grove Forest Preserve in Libertyville, IL.  The Rally features a 5K run or walk, in a family-fair type atmosphere.  The race begins at 9am, but activities begin earlier in the morning.   The race is CARA certified (Chicago Area Runners Association) and registration fees range from $15 to $25.   Register here.

Lake County Chapter of the Autism Society of Illinois, organizers of the event, anticipate 700-800 participants in this year’s race.  They are still recruiting volunteers for the day’s events.   Other events include Pre-Post Race stretching by Fitness Together, an Autism Resource Tent, and a Fun Fair by FUN Services Inc.  Families are encouraged to spend time using the Independence Grove Facilities.  Pets other than service dogs are not allowed in the park.

For more information on the race or to volunteer, contact Eric Smith,, 847-543-4502.


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Autism Awareness Day at Six Flags on Saturday, July 28

The third annual Autism Awareness Day at Six Flags will take place on Saturday, July 28.  It is sponsored by the Autism Society of Illinois.  Reduced admission of $29.00 is available to participants who pre-register and pay online and use the promo code AUTISM. Details are here.

There will be a quiet area near the Wilderness Theatre for those who wish to use it.  In addition, the Chicago Children’s Theatre Red Kite Project will provide an interactive, multi-sensory performance in the Wilderness Theatre.

For more information go to the website:

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Wendy on Wheels at Abilities Fair

“Wendy on Wheels” author Angela Lieberman attended the recent Abilities Expo in Schaumburg.  She reviews her experience on her blog.

Ms. Lieberman lead a discussion on bullying using  the fourth book in her series, “Wendy Takes A Stand”,  In this book, Wendy witnesses a bullying incident and has to decide how to handle it.  Other books include “Wendy Goes to the Beach”, “Wendy Goes to the Zoo” and “Wendy Saves the Day”.

Author Lieberman recently released two books on self-catheterization for children in collaboration with 180 Medical.  “Ethan can Cath” and “Emma Can Cath” will help children learn this important independence-building skill.  The book is free to members of the 180 Medical Kids Club.   Membership is free and available at

Acclaimed author Lieberman stories were inspired by her sister, Amanda, who has spina bidida.  They have been featured magazines and newspapers.  She is currently booking fall school visits.


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