SEDOL Parent Mentors Joy Bux and Priscilla Cuba conducted a 4-week course on Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. Approximately 10 parents and educators attended each morning session. Topics covered included
- January 18 — Laws, Eligibility, Evaluations, IEP Overview.
- January 25 — Establisheing Present levels of Performance; Setting SMART Goals.
- February 1 — Progress Monitoring, Accommodations and Modifications.
- February 8 — Communication and Collaboration in the IEP process
Previously this course was offered as a 2 1/2 hour evening overview, but the mentors felt that there was need for an additional program that went into greater detail. This expanded course could be offered again next year if there is interest. To contact the parent mentors visit
Several attendees had children in high school or transition programs. Even though they were reaching the end of the formal process, they indicated that they gained a great deal of helpful information in the sessions.
The IEP is the core document that governs the education, services and environment of children receiving special education services. It is developed annually by the school team and the parents to govern goals and progress for the next year.
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