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Entrepreneurs with Intellectual Disabilities

Many individuals with intellectual disabilities have formed businesses, micro-enterprises or social programs to supplement their incomes or address a social problem.  These are under study at the University of Illinois – Chicago.

Doctoral student Kate Caldwell seeks to interview these entrepreneurs as part of her research.  To qualify, the entrepreneur must live in the Chicagoland area, be between the ages of 18 and 64, have an intellectual disability and have a business or non-profit.    Email her at for more information.

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Creating Options Town Hall Meeting — November 9, 2011

The Mayer Kaplan JCC auditorium was packed for a Town Hall Meeting titled “Creating Housing and Full-Life Options for Adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities.”    The meeting was convened by a task force concerned with the unmet needs for housing and community services in the area.   The Task Force principally consists of representatives of the Jewish Federation, Jewish Child & Family Services and Keshet.  In addition to launching a pilot project, they hope to develop a model for other communities to adopt and replicate.

Cathy Ficker-Terrill, CEO of the Institute on Public Policy discussed “How to Get from Here to There?”, a summary of current status, trends and opportunities.  Then she emceed a lengthy question and answer session with the audience.  Members were asked to answer three questions:  1)  What is your dream for the future for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities regarding a sustainable model that would allow them to live withing the community? 2)  What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in creating a sustainable model for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities who wish to live within the community? and 3)  How can you help?

Following the lively discussion, attendees were invited to participate in committees studying services, funding, communications, development, and outreach.

For more information email

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Annual Meeting — Lake County Center for Independent Living

Lake County Center for Independent Living

About 100 individuals with disabilities, service providers, legislators, families and volunteers attended the annual meeting of the Lake County Center for Independent lLiving on November 30, 2011. Program highlights included success in helping 10 individuals move from institutions into the community, offering vocational training to over 90 workers, continued efforts to coordinate and integrate transportation services in Lake County.

The LCCIL also invited attendees to attend the social and support groups for the blind, deaf. They also host a cross-disability support group called Words of Wisdom (WOW).  Those in attendance were invited to become members of the organization.  They announced details on their 2012 Legislative Internship program.

Charlie Pugesef was honored as the volunteer of the year. Following the program, attendees partook of a buffet.

The Lake County Center for Independent Living is part of a state-wide network that promotes independent living through advocacy, mentoring education,and referral. For more invormation visit

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SEDOL Social Work Field Trips — Life after 22

Special Education students “age out” of the public education system when they turn 22 years of age.  After that time, these individuals and their families are required to manage the services they need without help from the school district.  Issues to be addressed in adulthood include housing, employment, health, social life, quality of life and more.

To help parents prepare for this role, the Social Work department of SEDOL has set up a series of field trips for parents to visit the workshops, living facilities, day programs, and camps they may find of interest.  Field Trips include:

  • February 15        Riverside Foundation           Day and Residential Programs
  • March 7               SRACLC                              Day and Recreation Programs
  • March 15             Clearbrook                          Vocational Program
  • Apr 13                 Center for Enriched Living   Day Program
  • Apr 27                 Shepherds College              Post Secondary Training
  • May 2                  Glenkirk Morain CLF            Semi-Indepependent Residential
For more information or to register for a Field Trip, Contact
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