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Ligas Overview at McHenry College May 3

The recent The Ligas Consent Decree is having a large effect on housing for adult individuals with developmental disabilities.  The Decree extends not only to those who live in a private ICD/FF, but also to those living in their family home and seeking services.  Mr. Tony Records is the Court Monitor for implementing the decree.  He will speak on Thursday, May 3, at 7pm at McHenry County College, Room B-166-167.

The meeting is hosted by the Self Advocacy Council of Northern Illinois.  From the flyer:

The disability system in Illinois is changing and knowing about these new changes in service planning will offer individuals more opportunities for community inclusion and
new community living opportunities!


For more information about the program,  contact Cathy Christensen, Self Advocacy Council of Northern Illinois, 815-382-1530, clchristensen100@aol.com

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