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Ed McManus Tonight at Protected Tomorrows

Protected TomorrowsEd McManus will speak at 7pm tonight at Protected Tomorrows LifeCare Center, 103 Schelter Rd, Lincolnshire.  He will discuss Illinois services for individuals with special needs.  Topics include the PUNS list, the Ligas Consent Decree, the role of PAS agencies in delivering services.  The event is free, but registration is requested (847-522-8086).

Ed recently retired from the Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities.  His career spanned several agencies including Staff Attorney for the Office of the Inspector General, State Coordinator for the Home-Based Services Program, and much more.  Currently he consults with agencies and families trying to navigate the system.   Ed’s newsletters can be found at his facebook page, where he states:  “Our main focus is to provide a better understanding of the Illinois DD system, which continues to mystify providers and families alike because it is so complex.”

This event is a kickoff for the  new Protected Tomorrows Family Membership program.  Details are on the website. 

(Editor’s note:  We have had some computer problems lately that have interfered with timely posting of notices such as these.  Hopefully they are worked out now.)

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Nemo News at Parents’ Meeting — YL Capernaum

Mary Curran Rhodes, publisher of The Nemo News will speak at the next Parent Meeting of Young Life Capernaum, on Friday, January 25, 2013 from 6:30-7:30pm.  There will be a demonstration of the website and a discussion about improving communications in Lake County.   It will take place at the United Methodist Church of Libertyville, 429 Brainerd Avenue.

Young Life Capernaum is an interdenominational Christian social group with transition age (14-25) individuals with special needs.   Parents meet separately at the same time.  The Libertyville group began last fall.  For more information about Young Life Capernaum or the parent’s group contact Tasha Taylor, , 847-735-9595


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Grinch Steals Christmas! Not. SRACLC

Cast of How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

The people were seated,
The lights now were dim,
The curtain came open,
Twas time to begin.

With walkers before them,
With chairs and their aide,
The lines they had learned,
And backdrops they made.

With memories true,
Applause in their heart,
These ShowStopper actors,
Brought joy with their art.

That Grinch who stole Christmas,
Just couldn’t stay mean,
With dancing and singing
For all to be seen.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas was put on by the Special Recreation Association of Central Lake County, (SRACLC) and performed on December 5 at the Sullivan Center in Vernon Hills.  It featured over 25 participants in the ShowStoppers program who prepared 13 weeks for the production.  It was produced and directed by Cassie Newton.  They are producing Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory  in the spring.

For more information on ShowStoppers contact Cassie Newton at SRACLC,  (847) 816-4866,

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Did You Get A Ligas Award Letter? IAMC Teleconference

Reta Hoskin, Assistant Director for the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DHS) will join the Illinois Association of Microboards and Cooperatives for a conference call today.  ( Tuesday, Dec 11, 2012)  The call will take place  from 11:00am till noon.  The call is targeted at those individuals who may have recently received an award letter resulting from the Ligas Consent Decree.  These families face important decisions, and the call is meant to help them understand their options and the processes involved.    The call is open to anyone with an interest in this process. 

The call-in number is 888-494-4032;   Code: 1879310092.

IAMC organizers have requested that attendees submit questions in advance if possible so that Ms. Hoskin can be prepared, and time be effectively used.

For more information contact Vicki Niswander, Executive Director, IAMC, 217-586-4552.

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LCCIL Annual Meeting Celebrates Volunteers

The Annual Meeting of the Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL) took place on November 29, 2012 at the United Methodist Church in Libertyville.  The new Board of Directors was introduced and key accomplishments of the previous year were highlighted.  About 100 consumers, family members, elected officials and others attended.

Three awards were given in three categories.  The Volunteer of the Year named was David Barcal, who accepted his award by phone since he was in Missouri.  The Community Excellence Award went to Grant Township Center, in honor of their new ADA playground.  It was affectionately called the “Field of Dreams” following much fundraising and volunteer effort.  Supervisor Kay Starostovic accepted the award for the Township.    The final award, the Ed Roberts award went to Chris Hradisky.  The Ed Roberts award is named after the “Father of Independent Living”.  Click on the website for more info.

To become a member of the LCCIL, or or more information contact them at 847-949-4440.


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Social Security & Medicaid Stories– The ARC

With all the talk in Washington about cutting the budget, The ARC anticipates that SSI, Medicaid and Social Security will be put on the chopping block.   They are rapidly working to put together a” human face” for those legislators working on these budget numbers.

The ARC is collecting stories as part of a survey among those who receive and need to continue receiving  these services.  While the impact of this funding is clear to us, it is not necessarily clear to legislators who are under pressure to cut costs.  If The ARC can  share our stories with supporters, they will be able to help them defend us against potentially devastating cuts.

Respondents can tell The ARC how  Medicaid and Social Security affects their lives.   Self-advocates, parents, friends and service providers may wish to participate.  This brief survey is versatile, providing  an option for anonymity as well as an opportunity to provide a photograph and contact information.   Respondents have a great deal of control over the information that is submitted.

These initiatives are taking place on the national level.  For more information contact  The Arc 1825 K Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20006,  800.433.5255


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Legislative Breakfast, December 3

“Make Us a Priority” is the theme of the 6th Biennial Legislative Breakfast sponsored by The North/Northwest Cook County and Lake County Work Group ( .  The work group  is comprised of parents, consumers, providers, legislators, government agencies and schools addressing the needs of  individuals with developmental disabilities.  The meet monthly to share information addressing common concerns.

The breakfast will take place on Monday December 3, 2012 at the Chevy Chase Country Club – Devonshire Room in Wheeling.  It goes from  8:30am-10:00am.

State legislators and their aides are invited to attend as well as consumers with developmental disabilities and their families.   Service providers and advocates are also invited to attend.   The event will feature a brief presentation on the  facts, figures and other information  of concern to families and professionals.  Legislators will play a key role in establishing State policy addressing these needs.

Editorial change:  11:15am 11/19/2012:  Legislators who will attend are asked to RSVP by November 30 to Elizabeth Ramos, Community Alternatives United (CAU), 773-867-4159,  Consumers and families need not RSVP.

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PUNS Selection — IAMC Followup Call

Last week 25 people attended the conference call sponsored by the Illinois Association of Microboards and Cooperatives (IAMC).  The call concerned the next steps for those who received notification that they now qualified for services from the State of Illinois following the recent PUNS List selection. According to Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU), 330 people from their service area had their names drawn.  This includes Lake County. Note:  The CAU  website is currently under construction and an indirect reference has been used above.

IAMC has scheduled a  follow-up conference call  for MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2012 from 11:30am – 12:30pm.  The number for the call is (218) 237-3840, passcode 366307#.  This call is a direct follow-on to the previous call.

This call will feature the Ligas Court Monitor, Mr. Tony Records as a principal facilitator.  As the Court Monitor, he is leading efforts to address the unmet needs of the developmentally delayed population in Illinois.  There are few, if any, people better qualified to answer questions regarding these PUNS list selections.  Nemo strongly urges those who had their names selected to attend this conference call.

IAMC organizers have requested that attendees submit questions in advance if possible so that Tony can be prepared, and time be effectively used.

For more information contact Vicki Niswander, Executive Director, IAMC, 217-586-4552.

Readers are referred to last week’s article:

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Zumba for Special Needs at Protected Tomorrows

Protected Tomorrows Zumba ClassEven those who hate to exercise might have tried  Zumba.  This is a dance fitness program involving tons of lively international music.   It is rigorous, social and most people say it is  fun.  It is also a form of exercise that doesn’t attract droves of people with special needs.  To address this need, Protected Tomorrows is initiating a seven-week Zumba class that is specifically for those with special needs.

The class begins on November 7, from 5:30-6:15pm and continues every Wednesday for 7 weeks.  The class will be in the Protected Tomorrows Training Center at 103 Schelter Rd, Lincolnshire.  Family and friends are welcome.  Participants must be at least 15 years of age.  Donations are welcome.  These will benefit the Protected Tomorrows Transform U initiative.

If you want more information contact Teri Bodeman, 847-522-8086,

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Laremont/Transition Homecoming Dance at SEDOL

About 75 former and current students of Laremont and the SEDOL Transition Programs attended the Annual Homecoming Dance on October 12.  The theme for the dance was “Cheeseburger in Paradise”.   It was held at Laremont School.

Everyone danced to music provided by DJ Eddie Rodriguez, and there was food for all.  The  annual dances started over 25 years ago according to Laremont Principal, Mrs. Mary Sowers.   It began as a Homecoming option for Laremont students, and was expanded to include students who finish their education in the  SEDOL Transition Programs.

“It means a lot to the kids to get together again”, said Mrs. Sowers.  “Everyone likes a Homecoming Dance.  All we are missing is the football game.”



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